Artist Statement
My work consists of observational, impressionistic paintings of nature and my surroundings. At a young age, I developed arthritis and joint pain. As a result, art became both an outlet for my fear and anger as well as an escape, despite being physically taxing. I continue to create art despite pain in order to express the turmoil of my mind regarding my identity, my pain, and my disability. My pain requires me to move through the world differently, to slow down, and I like to observe the little beautiful things around me when I do. I create work that encourages the same pause and contemplation.
It remains my simple dream to travel the world and paint what I see. I want to continue to explore myself through painting and bring beauty of the natural world into people’s homes and lives. I am a young and predominantly self-taught artist with a lot of room to learn and grow, as an artist and as a human being. I’m forever grateful to be able to create art and I hope to continue to share my observations, contemplation, and appreciation of the world as much as I can.

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